My Musical Son…

A Start that Defines a future…

Will he make it? Will he be the best he can be? Will he rise above all the rest? Will he fall hard? Will he stay determined and committed to a future in the Music Industry? Will he fall into drugs ? These things all cme forward to me as a mother and I worry every second while he is far away.

These are the scary questions that obviously cannot be predicted or known before hand, but these questions do tend to linger in my mind and keep consistent within my thoughts on a daily basis as being a mother..But, the questions I can answer and do know is that my son will give it his all..He is passionate about this and if he does fall he has my support to follow through with anything and stand right back up from it and go at it again even harder! No matter what though, a mother should listen to their children when they want to talk and even support the most wildest of dreams they they may have I believe because sometimes those dreams (even crazy ones ) do come true!

I know that I will be right next to him to guide him, help him when And if he may need it ,with any passion he has or wants to follow, even if I don’t always agree with some of the lyrics to his songs, being that he sounds amazing, but some hard to hear for a mother, i trust him and he is my best friend. So, I choose him over me just being a mom who won’t understand. I do understand because I love him unconditionally and communicate with him which is so important in the teen years!

My son wants to follow his passions and with him always getting good grades, staying in school even when being bullied at a young age, his heart always stayed the same no matter what! He always has been the one to help another friend, love his big brother, and even take care of his baby sister when she would wake up from nightmares and console her when she was just a baby, he would run to her before anyone heard her cry yet in the middle of the night, he was the first to run to her upon hearing her cry. He would be in her room in seconds, rocking her back to sleep when we would come in and always says family is the most important thing to him. That just makes my heart smile and I trust him with the decisions he makes now a lot more and trust his decision to be a good one if he would ever come into a tough situation.


Ever since he was a little boy he has loved music and dancing. He used to care about his style in clothes so much. He was always having to dress in what he knew was “COOL” to him and have his own little style. As he got older, he started then wanting to make his own cool style of clothes and make them unique to him, which I have and continue to support by helping make his clothes represent him as he wants to be seen, not as he’s suppose to be seen to the world. Stand out not fit in! He is the middle child and has always felt he needed to be accepted by his older brother and just really is my sweet, kind, emotional but a bit of a dark child. Emotion flooding him constantly..

He is like no other, genuine and a one of a kind soul with amazing emotional senses. He was always highly sensitive to feelings of his own and the feelings of others since he was a little boy. He is so unique in his amazing way that will always set him apart from the rest of the world and holds the heart unlike no other I have ever seen. He has the drive and determination that is just out of this world, but what I always fear (being his mother & seeing how cruel the world can be at times ) is how hard he take things if failure were to somehow rear its ugly head…So, how as his mother can I protect him, love him unconditionally, be his best friend while still being a parent as well while assuring he follows the right path too? That’s the hard part for any parent in raising their child I think… Also, letting them express themselves even if not always the preferred way but is his way.. is what most important thing for him, in living his life for him, by him as an young adult and learning from it but with my blessing of me allowing him to do so. (but i will still always be observing close by lol) I can only hope he will listen to what I have taught him and never ever fall too hard without getting up and coming back from it, learning from it and gaining strength from it…

because getting back up is the hardest but most compelling thing in life in growing up, and it is a normal process we ALL go through in our lives at least once. No one is perfect no matter what, just being who you are is the best defense you have! It will always shine through where it is meant to!

For My beautifully creative & talented son who fills my heart with more joy than all the happiness in the world.

If you would like to hear his music you can just search XHEARTSICK like if you do and even follow him Soundcloud .

To A Brand New Year…

So..We have made it to 2020!

Let’s make this year one that will out do all the others! Let’s set our goals, aim higher and make them as worthy as we are! Let’s embrace life with less negativity & surround ourselves with more positive influences each day and set our priorities higher, in this brand new Year going forward.

Cheers to a New Future & to a new start on a Brand New Year !

Let’s make it a Great one!

For this New Year…

Lets come together to make this year one to never forget. A year full of love, full of peace with millions of new experiences to come. Changes we can be proud to make. We all should be kinder, more gentle to others feelings.

Compassionate of the ones who may not have made it to see this new & wonderful year. Think of the past but not live in it to long for we have to move forward and stay unbelievably strong. We should hold our memories of past years close to our hearts but intend to use old mistakes as lessons or fate coming to visit at just the perfect moment. Embrace the newness of a start so fresh, as we enter a new generation not like the rest.

We should be wiser & kinder to ones whom walk beside us each day if on a train to work , a stranger on a plane or even a man with tired hands who asks for some change.. I am going to work on being a better me hoping for a better society & better traditions of love towards all others in need this year to pass to my children so they can grow to be one like me as well that will walk among the rest, who will pass us on the street & one who will proudly smile back to anyone with any kind of greet. I will take the time to give more attention to my beautiful family instead of my work when my workday has ended. I will go to bed proud of my day, myself & especially my intentions and actions.

Make a List and check it twice..

Each year as old fashion as it is to make New Years Resolution Lists upon each start of a new year. I still think it’s a great thing to do & I’m not only saying this as a therapist (as you know us therapists like to use all different feelings & expressive tools to heal) LOL

but for anyone it is really a great way to release and shed that built up stress from the past year & think out-loud our actual goals that only we hold inside us, by just simply jotting them down on paper therefore, there is a much greater chance these goals would be actually made once set & completed rather than if we were to just say it outloud once.

Also, this way we have a list to keep & we can then go back & review it whenever we want, We can even check each goal made to feel better about ourselves. ** I always put a box next to each one and then put a check mark in the boxes of those I’ve accomplished. **

It is a great feeling when a goal of your own has been met!

Here is my list of Resolutions and ideas you may use if you haven’t made one, as I think you definitely should! It feels good to set new goals as something to look forward to and feel brand new along with the New Year!


  • Spend more time with my family
  • Spend less time living in the past
  • Excercise more than 3 times a week
  • Laugh more ( much much more!)
  • Be more open to try new things
  • Read more blogs 🙂
  • Visit my Grandma more often
  • Play more WITH MY CHILDREN
  • Be a better friend
  • Do more of the things i love
  • Have more tea party’s with my daughter
  • HELP Those in need more

I hope everyone has a wonderfully, happy, healthy and positive Year! Make it your best year yet !

Thank you to all my subscribers and for all your kind words! Happy 2020!

Off an old beaten path…

After a long winter, waiting and waiting for what feels like forever, the arrival of the sweet summer days & summer air to greet us, it finally surrounds us once again with all its glory….

A country road trip in the summer Is just what I needed..

There are so many things to be done, so many new events to come and fun to be had but it leaves us feeling a bit overwhelmed at times,

So the first thing I usually do with my significant other lol or a bestie, is take a nice scenic country drive to…Nowhere! Yup…not the beach, not to a resort or harbor. No real Destination at ALL! To clear my mind of the day prior, the hustle of rushing and the bustle of a busy scedule.

It’s very relaxing to me and not to mention it’s…..filled with beautiful history and mysterious wonders with unexplored places that sit quaintly worn and weathered around every corner. Just waiting to be seen again.

Like a book your lost in, a movie in your mind, memories of childhood as you see something resembling the past that may trigger a memory you cherished as a child or moments that you miss from time to time.

For me, its kind of like writing my own book in a way, …As you piece together what you see in abandoned barns, old cars covered with weeds and untouched by the sunlight hidden underneath amongst other aged vehicles…

All are mysteriously abandoned old country homes that sit untouched and unloved by human life, homes taken into nature’s arms.

Beautifully crafted, worn down & weathered from so many years gone by ….Old town buildings, wooden fences, dead ends and small shops that are abandoned and hold little chance at life again,old style country storefronts that sit empty and alone.

The scenery really is quite breathtaking and not the kind of breathtaking like we usually think of it ,but the one that makes you wonder…. a mystery that makes you really think…Scenery where you really wonder by what your eye has caught….an old abandoned farmhouse,

We wonder, Who lived there before it became abandoned? Was there happiness inside those walls or fear?

Was there secrets hidden under that now crumbling foundation or behind those old walls? Did they dance or cry on those old wooden floors…? How long has it remained empty and why? What did it look like 50 years ago?…100 years ago….? Who remained inside…Was it an old lonely hardworking man with a history or a young couple in love waiting to raise a family?

I don’t think a house is just a house Ever really is it?

We love our homes and we invest our time in the care and hardwork we put into them. We raise our families in them and we cherish them making them our own,making our own memories that we will hold with us til we are very old. We make our homes a part of history.

Long & Endless Country roads..

Vintaged Beautifully 🌼

A road to nowhere will always lead you somewhere….

Down along an old beaten path, an old dirt road where wildflowers grow and the wind tangles your hair in the warm summer air.

Life seemed to have just up and left….

From the passagenger side..

Beautiful things of country drives…

Trees Lined so perfectly alongside a crinkled, weathered road.

The Warm Wind in your hair.

Winding roads and just a hint of the smell of fresh cut grass.

Starry nites you can’t stop gazing at Your too afraid to blink in fear the moment will cease and u love it so much that you just never want it to end or fade from your within your sight.

🌼 It is so beatifully created that you want to bottle it up and take in every moment, again and again forever.

🐎 Speckled horses roaming gracefully along old fenced in hillsides.

Fresh laundry swaying carelessly on an old farm line.

Clouds that make pictures in your mind of critters and powdered white angels moving fast through the baby blue sky.

Road trips are my favorite thing to do in the summer as long as it leads you to……NOWHERE!


The Limitless Learners Contest

This is an amazing giveaway of $9,000 & great opportunity for your kido’s in elementary school in grades K-5 to win money for college, for their school or libraries. 6 lucky kids will be selected upon applying! I did it and it’s actually fun to apply too from education. com

You can check it out and Apply by clicking the link below

Because our children’s education is super important ! I We truly do value our children”s futures ! So they can always get the best learning experiences out of life!

Today…I Don’t want to Adult!

I’m sure everyone feels like just saying the hell with it ! I don’t want responsibilities today, I want to feel carefree and relaxed…I wanna have nothing to worry me or any things i need to do today..I am sick of hurrying so fast through life and each day! I wanna enjoy my moments..I wanna live…I mean actually LIVE! I want to take a breathe and have time to close my eyes and take it all in each moment. I wanna live IN the moment once instead of FOR the moment! I want to enjoy the things I work hard for and do it with ease. I don’t want to be judged by my choices or moves I make! I want my adventure, my path to be….Mine.

I don’t feel like being the one who makes all the decisions,

I’m just flat-out fed up with it today and all this talk of what I ” have to do “or am ” supposed to do” while my dreams have become a thing of the past and my life is so quickly feeling like it’s passing me by while I sit on the side acting “My Age”… taking care of business as I was meant to as an adult. just doing what’s right and being a responsible young adult ..!

Well, NO! Not this time! Some days I just sit and wonder….why? Why can’t I just live the age I “feel “not the age I “actually” am without thinking? Just doing…? Without societies expectations…?

Getting older is hard enough as it is, and it’s hard not just on your body’s physically.. but emotionally as well! It’s just down right draining at times! How often do I just let loose anymore? When did I last do something that absolutely was what I loved and where have my dreams gone..?

So, as I think back for a moment….. what really are my passions in life and what happened to the me I used to be, the happy, relaxed ,care free girl with so many different possibilities and things ahead? I mean, of course my hubby, my kids and my job all our passions I have now oF course…but what are my actual passions inside me, where I’m just me before all that…?? Hmmmm, so I think back to childhood, to the good old days for a min…..

Well…hmm ,I used to love to sit quietly in my comfy chair and read a book or a novel. I used to love to run just for fun not exercise, for the thinking and the rush it gave me. I love the beach, horseback riding, go to concerts, hiking, writing, watching movies, going on roadtrips, staying up late laughing and talking w freinds, shopping, going to festivals with friends, staying up late to watch the sunrise, without the fear of “Oh I cannot do that, my children will be up soon and I won’t be at my 100% to care for them.”.. so you just don’t.

You do what you’re supposed to do…what is best for your children but are you thinking of yourself ever in this scenerio? Usually, No! We put everyone as we should of course.., above ourselves always but once in a while…why shouldn’t we be able to put ourselves, our loves and our passions into the lives we created more often, as we did when we were younger versions of ourselves?? Just more often so we don’t lose who we really are?

What’s the shame in that ? Yet, We do still feel shameful or guilty when doing so if ever the instance occurs…. and we shouldn’t . It’s who we really are. It’s our unique personalities that set us apart from all others as individuals, revisit our dreams we stored away and our passions we hold deep within us that we need to keep alive! We shouldn’t sacrifice any of that ever, because without that we would just be all the same. Just a shell..a body.

So, I think why not?? Why can’t we just find our passions, our loves that we once had before !? Who says we can’t little every once in awhile just not do what we “have” to do and just do what we love to do!?

Wouldn’t we be happier…healthier versions of ourselves?

I believe that we all need to find and bring back what ignites us…What really moves us…deep inside our hearts..

Those things we just can’t live without and the dreams we held inside us throughout our years to adulthood & turn the needs into wants and let us bring our “childhood hearts” lead alittle too.

We should find what has always made us who we are as “US”, that sets us apart as individuals, the thing that gives us strength, what brings the fire back! The things that we hope for and wish for, the real us! The us that we have stored away through life’s many challenges and society’s conformed idea of what we should be and just be free to be…individuals however we choose to without pressure or judging. The unique us.

Then find what really excites us and keeps us moving forward with great compassion each and every single day!

Then we will be the healthiest and happiest version of us !

So Don’t Adult…

Just once…;)

Happy Fathers Day to a father who will never be forgotten..

Happy Father’s Day to a father who no longer walks with me but walks beside me.

After the Storm…

Is it really calm? After the storm, it indeed looks calm, gets calm, rain slows and winds change but the sky is still a bit gloomy..the feeling of its destruction still entails.

Here is a poem I wrote a few months back just for my dad and so I am dedicating it to him on this Fathers Day.

The Storm of February

The rain is falling,

The sky is calling.

The clouds move fast,

I’m starting to see the Sun, at last!

The morning summer air appears,

But in my thoughts I still see those memories, all those years..

I feel the warmth brush my shoulder,

I see a reflection but it’s much older. .

I can still hear your voice like thunder, telling me all will be light

So for awhile I sit assured, with hope.. that everything will in deed be alright.

For his words I always trusted with all I am,

That this sadness I know he’s sure to condemn.

It starts to get light just as he said,

But the sadness I’m left with will never reach an end….

Rest in peace, my dearest daddy. I’LL always be your little girl no matter how much I’ve grown.

Every year since my Fathers suicide, each holiday is a reminder of him,of us, our memories, moments together, long talks we had, great bonds we shared, a father’s love and a little girls dream to have him near me until you grow old, to see his grandchildren play and teach them things he taught me.
The sadness never seems to fade, but the love only grows like a flower that you need only plant once and it never really dies , just disappears and reappears for the season then returns each spring.


To all the nights we danced, swayed and swirled , I’ll always be your little girl !

I miss you so much but know you are above me, watching over all of us and still holding my hand when I’m afraid.

Happy Father’s Day Dad!!!

Happy Father’s Day to the greatest dad who will always and forever remain within me.

Happy Father’s Day to all the wonderful Fathers out there who love, protect and work hard each and every day for their loved ones!!

Mothers Day ♡

For my Beautiful Mother , who taught me strength , love and to always believe!

What the Meaning of Mother is to Me…

When describing what a Mother really is to me, in my eyes…

A mother isn’t just someone who has a child.

A mother is someone who can do the impossible when it comes to protecting her family. A mother never gives up when things get tough or the world gets cold. A mother loves with a love so unconditional that is beyond any other kind of love.


A mother is irreplaceable. Mothers come in all different forms, But all hold one thing in common.. their love & strength to hold things together during tough times and makes the happiest of moments ones that you cherish for a lifetime, it is a bond that could never be torn apart between mother and child. Being a mother takes incredible courage!

A mother is a best friend, a protector and is always there when you need her. I mother is wise even if she doesn’t know everything a mother knows what’s best and shares her wisdom of Lessons Learned in hopes that her children will learn those same lessons with ease not with hurt or regret.

My superheroes ♡♡

A Mother holds on tightly and never lets go. She is there for late-night talks and Good Mornings, she can make your day better as can you to hers ,with just a simple hello.

Being a mother isn’t always easy either, it’s one of the hardest jobs in the world. A mother’s job never stops. She worries constantly (as a mother myself, I know I worry each and every day even when my kids are just right upstairs playing sometimes ) but as your kids get older and are adults, move away and have their own families, still Mothers worry .

My babies are what I live for and they protect me just as much as I for them♡♡♡

A mother’s love never stops it never Fades or goes away. It is always there she always loves her children and has devoted her life to keeping them safe, happy, healthy and comforted each and every single day since the day she held them in her arms.

A mother is always proud of her children no matter what and is the one who may not always be your favorite person all the time, when she is telling you right from wrong or things you may not want to hear ( like in our teenage years lol ) but always , a mothers intentions are to help you along the right path in life. Because, one day you grow up and suddenly realize why she did those things , why she wanted you in church every sunday and in school every day studying and not just worrying about freinds as much as homework, why you have to be home by a specific time… because you know now it was her way of caring and that she was right all along.

A mother is there to guide you and wants to see you make good decisions throughout life until you are an adult and a mother yourself.

A mother will always choose you over herself. she will let you learn from your mistakes and never tear you down for them but will help you when you most need it. She will teach you to fly but not without falling ,if you fall she will be the one to help you learn to fly again on your own, so that one day you can fly higher than anyone ever has but also with great pride.

That is what a mother is to me.

♡ For My own Mother♡

I have a mother who is very wise with life, she has had some of the worst things unexpectedly greet her in her own life and in every instant has never allowed them to break her down. She stayed strong, fought battles I could never imagine fighting. She has lived through things and worried herself so sick for far more nights than any normal human being ever should have to. She has the strength of the strongest individual I have ever seen anyone hold within them. My mother hasn’t always agreed with all my decisions in my own life as a young adult, but my mother has always been there for me, always protecting me from any evil and helping me see the correct path to take and stay on that path.

My mom has shared her wisdom to help me through my own tough times in my life and she has cared for me even when we didn’t exactly agree or see eye-to-eye all the time, even when I moved far away she was right there and has always tried, never giving up on me just becomes times got tough or we disagreed often, not even when I acted like I knew everything and i knew what was best for me. She had always known what was best because she is my mom.

My mom was there for me during the births of all three of my own children and I thank God every day that my children have such a wonderful grandmother in their lives.

My mom would not just fix problems, notwithout a lesson learned and that is why I truly love my mother because she taught me things you cannot learn from a textbook or from school, she taught me value and kept hope alive inside me through the toughest times and let me do it all on my own in hopes of learning from it, so not to repeat it. She did this all with her love beside me, her kind words & wisdom.

She never left me without her love. Never.

I love you Mom♡♡

Happy Mothers Day ♡♡♡

Dearest Mom,

I get it now.

Thank you…♡♡♡

There are all kinds of mothers out there..

To all the Mothers out there who..

love thier children with everything in them…

To the ones who work hard to support their families…

The ones who worry constantly each & every single day…

To the mothers who feel exhausted from a long day…

The ones who take time out of their day to wish other moms a Happy Mothers Day because they know how much it means….

To all who teach and preach good values and life lessons to their little ones…

To the ones who devote each day to their babies and read the same bedtime story over & over until you know every word by heart…

To the ones who stay up late and rise early…

To the moms who may not be perfect but they do their best and do it well…

To the moms who protect their little ones…

To the Moms who are proud of their children just for who they are…

To the ones who need a day off but feel selfish once they finally get one…

and raise their children with love and value each day as I do mine..

Happy Mothers Day!! ♡

to all differnt kinds of wonderful Mothers out there!!♡

For My Easter Baby 🐇

❤ I’m dedicating this Easter post to my beautiful little
Girl as she has turned 7 today and with Easter right around the corner,
She will always be my little Easter baby!! Happy Birthday to my lil Lola !!!

Easter is a special time for everyone as you hear more going on outside, the weather is changing, rain is falling and as puddles gather all around us, so does green grass, birds start to sing eachbmorning and soon flowers will be coming back to life! So here is a post to celebrate the coming of Easter and my daughter’s special day!

🐥 Easter Fun 🐥

Here is an Easter craft my daughter chose to share with all of you!

Easter egg scavenger hunt

What you Need:

  • 40 plastic eggs 🐣
  • Timer⌚
  • Black sharpie marker✒
  • Bag of candy of choice
  • Old deck of cards
  • Small Toys of choice

Write on the cards with sharpie different clues to where the eggs are hidden around the yard. Fill all the eggs with candy and toys and coins or dollars if you would like. (I use money sometimes too ) Hide all the eggs out in your backyard .

Clue ideas for cards :

🐰The first egg may be near a very tall, needs water to survive, gives us shade from the sun at times and has roots and bark. (Hide egg by all different trees )

🐥 This clue is very low and dogs may bury bones in it, flowers grow in it and it’s dark in color. ( bury it in a flower pot or in the dirt in yard- with hint of where in the dirt it is )

🐑 Next go near where we water our flowers and attach a sprinkler and fill a pool in the summer ( hide it by yard hose)

🐤Another clue, is the last one for you..Look around near a building that has a huge door and sometimes we put the car in it. (Garage)

There are just a few ideas I have used for my kiddos in the past. You can use whatever ideas you have of your own also based on your backyard to make your Easter unique and fun for your family!

Oh… how time flies

A flash back into the past as my little girl is turning 7 and isn’t so little anymore.

I miss these days♡♡ so very much! They grow up way too fast!!

I cannot believe how fast time goes by, it felt like just yesterday…she was just learning to walk and say her first words, that beautiful smile and hugs that melt my heart. Those memories are with me forever and my love grows stronger each year. Time goes by way to fast so this Easter hold your little ones close and make many more memories to have for a lifetime ❤💜💛

So this is dedicated to my daughter & My best friend as she is and always will be my Easter baby….

Happy Birthday to my Princess!!👑

Mommies little Easter Baby and my best friend.

🐰Easter Fun

Meaning of Easter🐣

The meaning of Easter is not just about baskets of candy filled eggs, treats and bright Colors, spring or fun egg hunts, Easter’s real meaning is a festival or celebrating of Christ’s resurrection. It is the # 1 most important holidays.

Amazing Facts about Easter

Approx. 75% of us believe that what should be eaten first on a chocolate Bunny from our baskets each Easter, is the Ears!

At one time, the colored dye we use to make our eggs so pretty was made from onions, bark from a tree, petals of a flower and some juice drinks like grape juice.

The story of what today is the Easter Bunny, was formed from a book in the year of 1680!

Back in 2011, in Italy the tallest easter egg made of chocolate, in the world could be found with a whopping 10.39 M and weighed 7,200 kg. That happens to be as tall as a giraffe and heavy as an elephant!!

The lily is the a symbolic flower of Easter for resurrection.

Aprox. 700 million people buy the candy “peeps ” more than any other candy that is not chocolate on Easter .

Farmers in wanting to help on Easter holiday to those in need, donate eggs reaching 11 million eggs donated around the world!

We have been found to consume about 15 million jelly beans for the Easter holiday.

Next to Halloween as first on the list, Easter is the next largest candy holiday.

Easter eggs are a symbol of new life and joy in some religions.

At one time people used to dye baby chicks for easter all sorts of crazy colors, but half of the states in the U.S. dying of chicks was banned but the state of Florida, went one step further and now the law prevents this dying to every animal, not just chickens! – Good for them! 🙂

Some say that Ideas of the Easter bunny coming home to home on Easter mornings each year began in the middle ages in Germany.

Another word used for Easter is Pascha.

In German Easter is also eostarun , that means dawn and white.

♧ Gone country ♧

♧ Country style inspo ♧ Country girl♧ ♧ Country Beautiful♧ ♧Country living♧….She’s Simply Gone Country ♧

Here is a few Country Chic styles in my own collection I love !!!


Summer is coming soon !!! YAAY!😄and so is all the fun!
In the country for me, Summer in the country is my favorite time !! It is filled with Many amazing memories to come and Great times each year!
From Small towns with country style and antique shops, Festivals, Fairs, camping trips, wild berry picking long dirt roads, road trips to nowhere…pretty cowboy boots,
so here is some of my country girl ♡ loves that I couldn’t live without this summer to look Fabulous and give you ideas for your own country chic style this year!! ♧

Flannels in reds and white colors are my personal favorite but can look amazing in any color- I have to have my flannels and in the country they go with everything, they are comfy & cozy, feel great and look so stylish with a pair of boots, leather belt and a pair of favorite old jeans! ♡

Cowboy hats – I love my cowboy hat with teal beading and worn look is another must for me! Stylish and I love to wear mine to concerts outdoors and festivals all summer long!

Cowboy Boots- These are a MUST for me in the summer to complete my country look ! I have so many different ones and they are all my favorites really ! Lol I got these awhile back and still use them when i go to fairs, festivals and even just at a get together with friends on a camping trip!

Boots are made for….The Whole Family! ♡♧
Whatever your style may be…make sure its unique..its yours and it makes you feel great no matter what !! 🙂

Vintage T-shirts are comfortable and are something I really l ♡ v e wearing to festivals and outdoor concerts in the summer! I have a variety of favorites that just go really good with the whole country Chic style i like!

This is my Country Girl Style and I hope it will help you find your style inspo this summer♧

I really hope you enjoyed my Country Style and follow along for many more posts to come as summer approaches (as it is my Favorite Season) and I cannot WAIT until it arrives, but when it does…I’ll be stylish and ready!!:) 🙂

My “shining” Weekend Venture ♥

An Amazing Discovery!

Something brought back to life….

Like something straight out of the movie “The shining”! The outlook hotel….

Where I visited over the weekend

I ventured off this weekend on a little adventure way out in the country and found a stunning discovery from the past…

It was so breathtakingly beautiful and a bit spooky at the same time. This place is so far off the grid..down winding and tangled roads lined with mile high trees set in perfect proportion leading me to this beautifully set back place and an eerie kind of feeling… emerged inside me and my family, as we headed toward an entrance sign and it somewhat reminding me of the Overlook Hotel from the movie “The shining” !

This is a historic one Lane- one hundred year old bridge made of steel and wood! Which is the only way to this elegantly charming beauty!

It can be found sitting on a little island, nestled deeply inside of the Northern Woods of Wisconsin.

It is a historic resort sitting on Approx. 66.3 beautiful acres! Some local people told me that AL Capone use to reside and hide out here back in the day! That’s so awesome!

A look inside …

Office and historic information

Saltwater filled pool and spa and elevators that lead to a spa & a salon!

The ice cream shoppe
The original design still lives inside this resort/ hotel and the charming features fill each floor magnificently!

These Hallways though… Just looked like they were from The shining movie !! 😮

Weddings were held here and they have 55 suite rooms inside with a Gulf course and skiing in the winter ,tennis court , 3 restaurants inside and 3 bars also!

What an amazing place!

A little History

This resort was first opened in 1905 ! It was sold then re-opened just a year ago August 2018 and is just now opened to public again but still had some rooms under construction and pool area also. All restaurants and bars were opened but we ventured though out to see all the amazing features.

This was a really fun adventure over the weekend and so amazing to see its beauty restored after so long! I really enjoy places like this!!! I’m definitely going to go back!

Simply beautiful!

♧ Gone country ♧

♧ Country style inspo ♧ Country girl♧ ♧ Country Beautiful♧ ♧Country living♧….She’s Simply Gone Country ♧


Summer is coming soon !!! YAAY!😄and so is all the fun!
In the country for me, Summer in the country is my favorite time !! It is filled with Many amazing memories to come and Great times each year!
From Small towns with country style and antique shops, Festivals, Fairs, camping trips, wild berry picking long dirt roads, road trips to nowhere…pretty cowboy boots,
so here is some of my country girl ♡ loves that I couldnt live without this summer to look Fabulous and give you ideas for your own country chic style this year!! ♧

Here is a few Country Chic styles in my own collection I love !!!

  • Flannels in reds and white colors are my personal favorite but can look amazing in any color- I have to have my flannels and in the country they go with everything, they are comfy & cozy, feel great and look so stylish with a pair of boots, leather belt and a pair of favorite old jeans! ♡

● Cowboy hats – I love my cowboy hat with teal beading and worn look is another must for me! Stylish and I love to wear mine to concerts outdoors and festivals all summer long!

● Cowboy Boots- These are a MUST for me in the summer to complete my country look ! I have so many different ones and they are all my favorites really ! Lol I got these awhile back and still use them when i go to fairs, festivals and even just at a get together with freinds on a camping trip!

Boots are made for….The Whole Family! ♡♧ Whatever your style may be…make sure its unique..its yours and it makes you feel great no matter what !! 🙂
Vintage Tshirts are comfortable and are something I really l♡ve wearing to festivals and outdoor concerts in the summer! I have a variety of favorites that just go really good with the whole country Chic style i like!

This is my Country Girl Style and I hope it will help you find your style inspo this summer♧

I really hope you enjoyed my Country Style and follow along for many more posts to come as summer approaches (as it is my Favorite Season) and I cannot WAIT until it arrives, but when it does…I’ll be stylish and ready!!:) 🙂

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